

I’m a computational neuroscientist interested in data-driven modeling of behavioral dynamics and its neural control. My long-term goal is to propose generative models of continuous motor behavior and navigation in increasingly naturalistic contexts, and to use these models to identify target computations for the hypothesis-driven analysis of neural activity. In 2025, I will start my group at the Insititute for Intelligent Systems and Robotics (ISIR) at Sorbonne Université in Paris.

Before starting as a CNRS researcher, I was a postdoc in Alex Cayco-Gajic’s lab at Ecole Normale Supérieure in Paris, where I focussed on analyzing large-scale neural population recordings and modeling locomotor behavior in complex environments. I earned my PhD from the Universitat de Barcelona; In Albert Compte’s lab, I studied the role of NMDA receptor hypofunction in working memory performance and trial history biases.